viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

He's my Hero

Hola :) Ayer quise subir, pero bueno, se me complicó ya que tuve un día bastante largo... Obviamente vuelvo y no con las manos vacías sino que con otra de mis canciones :) Al igual que las otras espero que les guste :) AAY, y obviamente estoy esperando frenéticamente el cumpleaños de ÉL, si, el que me inspira todos los días y me da las fuerzas para seguir a pesar de todo ♥
Okay, aquí les dejo la canción :)


He's my Hero

Don't need anything else
He's my shelter
My dreamed boy, all I need
And in his arms I can feel
So protected

When you think there's nothing left to say
When your hopes are gone away
He will be there to tell you
Keep on fighting
Keep on dreaming
And keep your faith,
He's my hero

My most valued treasure
You give me strength
When I feel I'm under pressure
And I just wanna say
That if you go away
I won't make it alone

When you think there's nothing left to say
When your hopes are gone away
He will be there to tell you
Keep on fighting
Keep on dreaming
And keep your faith
He's my hero

When you're by my side
I don't need to wonder why
You hold me, you love me
And you're everything I need

When you think there's nothing left to say
When your hopes are gone away
He will be there to tell you
Keep on fighting
Keep on dreaming
And keep your faith
He's my hero
You're my hero

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